Position | Bibliography |
(January 2017 through December 2017)
Each year, the Journal provides a compilation of the most important and timely articles on computers, technology, and the law. The Bibliography, indexed by subject matter, is designed to be a research guide to assist our readers in searching for recent articles on computer and technology law. This year's annual Bibliography contains nearly 1000 articles, found through the examination of over 1000 periodicals.
The Bibliography aims to include topics on every legal aspect of computers and technology. However, as new issues in this field emerge, we welcome your suggestions for additional topics and sources, as well as your commentary on the Bibliography.
INTRODUCTION 334 1. Computers and Technology in Law Practice 339 1.0 General 339 1.1 Computerized Legal Research 340 1.1.0 General 340 1.1.1 Online Legal Research 340 1.2 Law Office Management 341 1.2.0 General 341 1.2.1 Office Automation 342 1.2.2 Case Management 343 1.2.3 Case File Security 343 1.2.4 Internet Access 343 1.3 Selected Uses in the Law Practice 343 1.3.0 General 343 1.3.1 Tax Filing 344 1.3.2 Bankruptcy 344 1.3.3 Estate Planning 344 1.3.4 Real Estate 344 1.3.5 Advertising 345 2. COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LITIGATION 346 2.0 General 346 2.1 Scientific Evidence 348 2.1.0 General 348 2.1.1 Expert Testimony 349 2.1.2 DNA Typing 349 2.1.3 Fingerprint 349 2.1.4 Lie Detection 349 2.1.5 Forensic Evidence 349 2.2 Demonstrative Evidence 350 2.2.0 General 350 2.2.1 Computer-Generated Evidence 351 2.2.2 Audio/Visual Evidence 351 2.3 Electronic Discovery 351 2.4 Courtroom and Judges 352 2.5 Dispute Resolution 353 3. COMPUTERS, TECHNOLOGY AND THE 354 GOVERNMENT 3.0 General 354 3.1 Computers, Technology and Law 355 Enforcement 3.2 Use of Computers and Technology 357 by the Military 3.3 Use of Computers and Technology by 358 State and Federal Legislatures 3.4 Regulation of Computers and 358 Technology 3.4.0 General 358 3.4.1 First Amendment Concerns 359 3.4.2 Antitrust 359 3.4.3 FCC Regulation 359 3.4.4 SEC Regulation 359 4. ISSUES OF PRIVACY, SECURITY AND CRIME 360 4.0 General 360 4.1 Problems of Privacy 361 4.1.0 General 361 4.1.1 Data Privacy 366 4.1.2 Privacy in the Workplace 375 4.2 Security 376 4.2.0 General 376 4.2.1 Cyberwar 380 4.2.2 Encryption and Digital Signatures 383 4.3 Crime 384 4.3.0 General 384 4.3.1 Internet 386 5. COMPUTERS, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION 387 5.0 General 387 5.1 Legal Education 387 6. COMPUTERS, TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS 387 6.0 General 387 6.1 Electronic Commerce 390 6.1.0 General 390 6.1.1 Taxation 395 6.2 Computers in Banking and Finance 395 6.2.0 General 395 6.2.1 On-line Securities Trading 398 6.3 Computers and Technology in the Transportation Industry 398 6.4 Computers and Technology in the Publishing Industry 400 6.5 Computers and Technology in Advertising 400 6.6 Computers and Technology in Accounting 400 7. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION OF COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY 401 7.0 General 401 7.1 Patent 403 7.1.0 General 403 7.1.1 Software Patent 412 7.1.2 Biotech Patent 412 7.2 Software Copyright 412 7.2.0 General 412 7.2.1 User Interface 414 7.2.2 Fair Use 414 7.2.3 Video Game 414 7.3 Digital Copyright 415 7.3.0 General 415 7.3.1 Electronic Compilation. 418 7.3.2 Computer Database. 418 7.3.3 Multimedia 418 7.3.4 Computer-Generated Works 418 7.4 Trademark. 418 7.5 Trade Secret. 420 7.6 Semiconductor Chip Protection. 420 7.7 Licensing 420 7.8 Intellectual Property Issues of 421 the Internet 7.9 International Developments. 422 7.9.0 General 422 7.9.1 GATT-TRIPS 425 7.9.2 NAFTA. 425 7.9.3 Developments in Canada. 425 7.9.4 Developments in Mexico and 425 Latin America. 7.9.5 Developments in Australia 425 and New Zealand 7.9.6 Developments in Africa 426 7.9.7 Developments in Asia 426 7.9.8 Developments in Western Europe 426 7.9.9 Developments in Eastern Europe 426 and Russia. 8. COMPUTERS AND LEGAL REASONING 426 8.0 General 426 8.1 Artificial Intelligence 427 9. LEGAL ISSUES OF THE INTERNET 430 9.0 General 430 9.1 ISP and Internet Access 432 9.1.0 General 432 9.1.1 Net Neutrality 433 9.2 Domain Names 433 9.3 Civil Procedure in Cyberspace 433 9.4 Online Communities 433 9.4.0 General 433 9.4.1 Social Networking 439 9.4.2 Virtual Worlds 439 9.5 First Amendment Concerns 439 10. LAW AND TECHNOLOGY 440 10.0 General 440 10.1 Technology Transfer 444 10.2 Audio/Video Recording 444 10.3 Space Law 444 10.4 Medical Technology 445 10.4.0 General 445 10.4.1 Electronic Records 449 10.5 Science and Technology 449 10.5.0 General 449 10.5.1 Biotechnology 455 10.5.2 Pharmaceuticals 456 10.5.3 Stem Cells and Cloning 456 10.5.4 Nanotechnology 456 10.6 Environmental Law 456 10.6.0 General 456 10.6.1 Pollution 463 10.6.2 Hazardous Substances 463 10.6.3 Electromagnetic Fields 463 10.6.4 Nuclear Technology 463 10.6.5 Energy and the Environment 464 10.6.6 International Environmental 464 Law Developments 10.7 Television 464 10.7.0 General 464 10.7.1 Satellite Television 464 10.7.2 Cable Television 464 10.8 Telecommunications 465 10.8.0 General 465 10.8.1 Telephone 466 10.8.2 Multimedia in 466 Telecommunications 10.8.3 International 466 Telecommunications Developments 10.9 Recording Industry 466 10.10 Broadband 466 11. FAMILY LAW 466 12. OTHER 468 1. COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LAW PRACTICE
1.0 General
Robert J. Ambrogi, The Legal Board: A Keyboard Just for Lawyers, 43 LAW PRAC. 22 (July/Aug. 2017).
Erin C. Carroll, Making News: Balancing Newsworthiness and Privacy in the Age of Algorithms, 106 GEO. L.J. (Nov. 2017).
Miriam A. Cherry, Are Uber And Transportation Network Companies the Future Of Transportation (Law) And Employment (Law)?, 4 TEX. A&M L. REV. 173 (Spring 2017).
Benjamin P. Cooper, Technological Competence and the Duty to Safeguard Confidential Information in the USA, 20 LEGAL ETHICS 268 (Dec. 2017).
Caryn Devins et al., The Law and Big Data, 27 CORNELL J. L. & PUB. POL'Y 357 (Winter 2017).
Sofia Grafanaki, Drowning in Big Data: Abundance of Choice, Scarcity of Attention and the Personalization Trap, a Case for Regulation, 24 RICH. J.L. & TECH. 1 (2017).
David Andrew Kobilka, Backs to the Future: How the Legal Profession Has Ignored the Malpractice Gap Created by Technology, 20 J. CONSUMER & COM. L. 130 (Summer 2017).
Daniel W. Linna Jr., Leveraging Technology to Improve Legal Services, 96 MI BAR J. 20 (June 2017).
Tom Mighell, Is the iPad Finally a Laptop Replacement, 43 LAW PRAC. 30 (Nov./Dec. 2017).
John Mitchell, Ride the Technology Wave, 43 LAW PRAC. 8 (Mar./Apr. 2017).
Jack L. Rives, Embracing Innovation, 103 A.B.A. J. 6 (Feb. 2017).
Ben Schorr, What's New in Microsoft Office for Lawyers, 43 LAW PRAC. 54 (Mar./Apr. 2017).
Daniel J. Siegel, A Spotlight that Shines a Different Light, 43 LAW PRAC. 24 (Sept./Oct. 2017).
Kimberly Stamatelos, Lawyers Of The Future: Is Legal Education Doing Its Part?, 2017 DRAKE L. REV. DISCOURSE 101 (Jan. 2017).
K.C. Webb, Products Liability and Autonomous Vehicles: Who's Driving Whom?, 23 RICH. J.L. & TECH. 9 (2016).
1.1 Computerized Legal Research
1.1.0 General
Zoe Adams et al., The CBR-LRI Dataset: Methods, Properties and Potential of Leximetric Coding of Labour Laws, 33 INT'L J. OF COMP. LAB. L. & INDUS. REL. 59 (2017).
Wolfgang Alschner et al., The Data-Driven Future of International Economic Law, 20 J. INT'L ECONOMIC L. 217 (2017).
Michael Whiteman, Appellate Jurisprudence in the Internet Age, 14 Nw. J. TECH. & INTELL. PROP. 255 (2017).
1.1.1 Online Legal Research
Richard Acello, A Website Clicks, 103 A.B.A. J. 31 (Mar. 2017).
1.2 Law Office Management
1.2.0 General
Neil Cameron, Let's Talk About... IT Training, LEGAL IT INSIDER., Nov./Dec. 2017, at 9.
Yuri Eliezer, Enhancing Your Practice Efficiency with E-Signatures, 43 LAW PRAC. 50 (Mar./Apr. 2017).
Gordon K.. Eng, The Potential of New Digital Assistants for Office Use, L.A. LAW., Mar. 2017, at 34.
Nancy Leary Haggerty, Where Are All the Automation Tools for Real Estate Lawyers, 31 PROB. & PROP. 53 (Mar./Apr. 2017).
Nick Gaffney, Transforming a Law Practice with Technology, 43 LAW PRAC. 38 (July/Aug. 2017).
Richard Granat, Really Virtual, 103 A.B.A. J. 28 (Mar. 2017).
Patrick Lamb & Nicole Nehama Auerbach, Working With: Building a Better Law Firm Takes Collaborators, 103 A.B.A. J. 26 (May 2017).
Victor Li, Value Proposition, 103 A.B.A. J. 32 (Apr. 2017).
Susan Cartier Liebel, What's New? Your Practice and You, 103 A.B.A. J. 30 (Jan. 2017).
Nick Martin, Exploiting the Cloud to Increase Law Firm Productivity, LEGAL IT INSIDER., Nov./Dec. 2017, at 7.
Tom Mighell, Exploring Office 365, 43 LAW PRAC. 28 (May/June 2017).
Tom Mighell, Keeping Communications Confidential with a VPN, 43 LAW PRAC. 30 (Sept./Oct. 2017).
Tom Mighell, The Battle of the Workplace Messaging Apps, 43 LAW PRAC. 30 (Mar./Apr. 2017).
Sharon D. Nelson & John W. Simek, Are Alexa and Her Friends Safe for Office Use, 43 LAW PRAC. 26 (Sept./Oct. 2017).
Sharon D. Nelson & John W. Simek, Google's G Suite or Microsoft's Office 365, 43 LAW PRAC. 24 (May/June 2017).
Sharon D. Nelson & John W. Simek, Securing Your Law Firm's Website: A Critical Cybersecurity Task, 43 LAW PRAC. 26 (Mar./Apr. 2017).
Peter Owen, Cloud Commutating - Take the Gene Kelly Approach, LEGAL IT INSIDER., Nov./Dec. 2017, at 7.
David G. Ries & John W. Simek, Implementing Encryption Painlessly, 43 LAW PRAC. 57 (Mar./Apr. 2017).
Frank Santini, Prioritizing Cybersecurity on a Limited Budget, 43 LAW PRAC. 59 (Sept./Oct. 2017).
Daliah Saper, It's About Time, 103 A.B.A. J. 28 (Sept. 2017).
Alison C. Shields, Writing More Effective Email Messages, 43 LAW PRAC. 14 (Mar./Apr. 2017).
Derek Southall, The Legal IT Department of the Future, LEGAL IT INSIDER., Nov./Dec. 2017, at 13.
Jason Tashea, Law Architects, 103 A.B.A. J. 32 (May 2017).
1.2.1 Office Automation
Emma Beames, Technology-Based Legal Document Generation Services and the Regulation of Legal practice in Australia, 42 ALTERNATIVE L.J. 297 (2017).
Sam Glover, 8 Strategies for Constructing Your New Law Firm, 103 A.B.A. J. 32...
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