
The Section of Antitrust of the American Bar Association
proudly presents the International Antitrust Cartel Handbook, First
Edition. Cartel issues arise in a variety of settings and industries and
increasingly without regard to jurisdictional boundaries. Markets are
more interconnected today than ever before. As a result, enforcement
agencies around the world have begun to more rigorously enforce
anti-cartel laws and to coordinate their respective enforcement efforts.
Navigating competition law across jurisdictions can be challenging for
both competition law practitioners and in-house counsel.
The International Antitrust Cartel Handbook was prepared by
individuals experienced in both prosecuting and defending cartel
matters around the world to be your guide. The Handbook reflects
years of dedicated effort by Section members who have closely
followed and in some instances guided the evolution of the applicable
law. It is our hope that it will be a lasting resource for readers who
face cartel enforcement efforts in multiple jurisdictions.
The Section is deeply grateful to the many members who generously
contributed their wisdom and time to completing this prodigious
undertaking. The project’s chairs, Adam Hemlock and John Terzaken,
along with Kayleigh Golish, deserve special mention for their tireless
efforts and determination to make this project a success.
March 2019 Deborah A. Garza
Chair, Section of Antitrust Law
American B ar Association

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