
AuthorSchwebel, Stephen M.

I was glad to return to Vanderbilt Law School to take part in this Symposium on International Commercial Arbitration. I came because Jon Charney telephoned me last autumn to ask me to come. Jon Charney was a superb international lawyer and a splendid human being. He became a reigning expert on the Law of the Sea. But his interests in international law were wider than that wide subject. He wrote, for example, on the proliferation of international tribunals and on the position of the persistent objector in international law with exceptional acuity and insight.

Jon's professional accomplishments were increasingly large. But his personal manner remained modest, mild, and thoughtful. He was a pleasure to work with and to be with. His death was appallingly premature. It was an immense loss, to his family, to his colleagues, and to the international legal system to which he made such a notable contribution.

Jon was a friend, and a colleague for whom I had great regard and affection. It was not possible to refuse his request that...

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