For people who want to get involved--maybe they are thinking about volunteering in their community or giving back to an organization, or maybe they have some capital to deliver to an organization--what should they know? What are the first steps they should take to get involved in our sector?

PositionIndustry Outlook: Q&A

MARTINEZ: First, that person needs to know what they, themselves, are interested in, what they are worried about. The second thing is nonprofits. They need to hear from, go onto a website or meet somebody from a nonprofit that is very clear and cogent about what they're doing, where they are, how they, themselves, measure their product.

BRAY: I would like to plug two organizations shamelessly. One, if you're interested in being a board member, Utah Nonprofits Association has a LinkedIn page where nonprofits can list their board member opportunities, and people wanting to serve on boards can go to that and connect with someplace they are passionate about.

The other shameless plug I would like to do is for 2-1-1. They are a great resource that lists volunteer opportunities. You can either dial 2-1-1 or you can search on the website. And maybe thirdly, UServeUtah. If you Google UServeUtah, that's an easy link to find just a wide variety of places to serve and volunteer and be involved.

EVANS: The biggest thing is there has to be something they feel passionate about. Whether it's that they drive that same freeway on-ramp every day and it's dirty and disgusting and they want to make a change, or there is an illness that they want to get involved in finding research dollars for.

If they find that passion, that's what makes them a successful fit for us. Nonprofits don't have a lot of money to hire workers. We rely on volunteers. And we are way more successful when it's something that that person feels extremely passionate about, because it makes that hard work worth it. You don't feel like you're being run to the bone because you feel like you're making a difference.

GARZA: When you volunteer, when you get involved in boards, you should see it as an investment in the community. We're investing in something better. It should be a partnership, "I want to be part of a solution and I want to be part of that bigger picture of how my community can be better," and seeing that as a specific investment and not a handout.

EVANS: I have this talk with my husband all the time, because he is very much from the corporate world. I'm working in a nonprofit and I volunteer for other ones. He's like, "It's so much time. What...

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