Food and friends strengthen link to god.

PositionReligion - Brief Article

There is a direct link between human friendships and spiritual maturity, concludes a study commissioned by Group Publishing, Inc., Loveland, Colo., and conducted by the Gallup Organization. Research shows that people with close friendships in their church have a strong relationship with God, are very satisfied with their congregation, and are less likely to leave their place of worship.

"Church members who have a best friend at church are 21% more likely to report attending church at least once a week and 26% more likely to report having a strong, more active faith in God," says Michael D. Lindsay, sociology research affiliate at Princeton (N.J.) University. "Respondents who had a best friend at church were also more likely to say their faith is involved in every aspect of their lives and that they have a close friendship with God."

The research also connects faith and food, as 77% of highly satisfied members have eaten a meal with people in their congregation (who are not...

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