Flight patterns to leadership.

PositionCalifornia Society of Certified Public Accountants

The pathway to CalCPA leadership does not look like a traditional road map, but rather a series or arcs and hubs akin to an airline route map You would find in the back of most in-flight magazines. You do not have to start at the proverbial mailroom and work your way up, but rather as one airline likes to put it--"you are free to move about " CalCPA based on your personal and professional interests and experience level.

CalCPA has available an abundance of volunteer leadership positions, each a destination or layover in itself depending on your ultimate goal. To best take advantage of these opportunities. well help von understand the connections between CalCPA's null, main leadership hubs chapters, council and state committees/sections-and the various leadership positions each offers.

Equally important to understand is the role of the CalCPA Nominations Committee. If we are to continue the theme, this committee is a bit like air traffic control, whose job is to create an annual nominations slate of qualified people in the correct positions at the right point in time no easy task .

And finally, not unlike frequent flyer and loyalty programs. CalCPA Leadership institute and the Emerging Leaders Certificate Program are two ways you can earn instant status as you embark on your journey through CalCPA leadership.

If you're thinking of applying for CalCPA Board or Council, then you're in luck: Nomination forms are being accepted until Dec. 4. Visit www.calcpa.org/leaders.

Chapter Hub

CalCPA has 14 chapters across the Stale (www.calcpa.org/chapters. Each chapter is lead by a board of directors and officers, who are nominated by it local nominations committee and elected by the chapter's general membership. Chapters also have local committees and some have area discussion groups each based on the specific interests and needs of the chapter.

Chapter leadership opportunities are both internal and external and plentiful. Get active and connected in your chapter committees and he open to taking on responsibilities that can lead It a chair role. Don't hesitate to speak up and let leaders know you're interested in being more involved. Once involved and active, consider submitting your name bra board or officer position.

Some chapter leader positions automatically provide a gateway to state-level positions. Chapter committee chairs have a scat on the corresponding CalCRA state committee, and chapter board members and officers often serve as the chapter...

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