First National Bank Alaska.

PositionRight Moves - Allen Hippler - Patricia Orr. Boyd - Bill Inscho - Craig Thorn - Brief Article

First National Bank Alaska hired Joseph A. Gelione, a commercial loan officer and vice president in the corporate lending division. Gelione has 13 years of experience in the financial services industry, including 10 years in Alaska.

The bank has announced new responsibilities for officers Beverly Boyd, Allen Hippler and Patricia Orr. Boyd has been named manager of the Federal Branch in downtown Anchorage. She has more than 23 years of experience at First National, most recently as manager of the South Center Branch. Hippler has been appointed the new manager at First National's Kuskokwim Branch in Bethel. He joined the bank's management trainee program in 2001, becoming a loan officer at the Wasilla Branch upon completing the program. Orr is now manager at the South Center Branch in Anchorage, transferring from the Eastchester Branch where she filled the same role...

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