Fired managers turning to courts.

"You'll be hearing from my lawyer." These six words are being heard more frequently in the corporate world as terminated managers are suing their former employers for unlawful discharge. More and more fired workers are winning their suits or settling out of court as a result of organizational practices that have gone awry. For example:

* A $150,000 a year Fortune 500 executive is discharged for an abrasive, disruptive management style. He sues his ex-employer for $1,000,000, claiming the organization never told him there was a problem. The result?--a six-figure out-of-court settlement.

* A middle manager with a medium-sized service organization is terminated for poor performance. Formal performance reviews reveal a written history of above-average performance and pay increases. She sues her former employer and obtains a large, favorable jury verdict.

* An engineering manager is released, his employer charging inability to fulfill his duties after 18 months on the job. The manager responded that he never received a formal job description or performance feedback and that he was terminated because of office politics. A lawsuit is filed.

"Disgruntled managers suffering loss of position, income, and career advancement are using the legal machinery available to challenge the decisions that have left them unemployed during these competitive economic times," notes Clinton O. Longenecker, professor of management, University of Toledo. "This can have a devastating financial, operational, and public relations impact on an organization caught up in unlawful discharge litigation."

"It's estimated that 150,000 employees are unjustly discharged every year," indicates associate professor of management Frederick R. Post. "A company can no longer fire a person for whatever reason it...

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