Board game season finally has arrived!(WHAT'S NEW? Holiday Gift Guide) (Blue Orange's board games) (Brief article)

Now that the kids are back in school and the days are getting cooler and shorter, a lot of our "family time" is spent indoors. In our home, we've just entered board game season.

We've picked up a few new titles from Blue Orange, San Francisco, Calif., the makers of one of our favorites, Gobblet! We love strategy games and they have a couple that are just right for play with younger children. First up is Zimbbos! Elephantastic Pyramids ($24.95). The object is to stack 10 wooden elephants into a sort of pyramid without crashing. This fast-paced game is easy to play and exciting for youngsters whether they win or crash. (Even if they win, they still like to make the pyramid crash.)

Topitop: An Avalanche of Strategy is played on a board with nine snowflake spaces. Players take...

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