Filling the gap in religious news.

PositionYOUR LIFE - Religion News Service - Brief article

In recent years, many newspapers and similar publications have been forced to cut religion beat writer positions due to budgetary restraints, leaving religious news largely uncovered throughout the country. Now, the Religion News Service, headquartered in the University of Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, has launched a network of websites to help fill that gap.

"The elimination of the religion beat at many media outlets has created a need for entrepreneurial journalists to fulfill," notes Debra Mason, professor of journalism studies and director of the Center on Religion and the Professions. "Many meaningful faith and values stories are waiting to be told, which creates great opportunities for these niche religion website start-ups."

Religion News Service is a national wire service that recently converted from a for-profit to a nonprofit news outlet. In January, RNS relaunched its website, making all of its content directly available to the public for the first time in its 78-year...

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