Fifty Years After the 1967 Crime Commission Report

Date01 May 2018
AuthorJoanne Belknap,Deanne Grant
Published date01 May 2018
Fifty Years After the 1967 Crime
Commission Report
How Nonpolicing Domestic Violence Research and Policies
Have Changed and Expanded
Joanne Belknap
Deanne Grant
University of Colorado at Boulder
In the 50 years since the U.S. President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and
Administration of Justice under President Johnson issued its report, feminist activism
and both feminist and mainstream research have resulted in defining domestic violence
(DV) as a social problem. This awareness of the seriousness and expansiveness of DV
has spurred the development of unprecedented programs and policies. Although DV
policing changes have been significant, so too have been the development of and changes
in safehouses, no-drop court policies, domestic violence courts, community-coordinated
responses, and batterer intervention programs. In this article, we review the nonpolice
responses to DV cases and outcomes and provide recommendations. First, research and
policies need to more regularly be aimed at addressing victims’ safety and their diverse
needs and experiences. Second, assessments should include addressing the processing of
these cases through the impact of responses by individual community and criminal legal
system actors (e.g., victim advocates, police, prosecutors, and judges) to victims and
domestic violence, intimate partner abuse, courts, community-coordinated responses,
safehouses, protection orders, batterer intervention programs
Direct correspondence to Joanne Belknap, Department of Ethnic Studies, 339 UCB, University of Colorado-
Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309-0339 (e-mail:
DOI:10.1111/1745-9133.12370 C2018 American Society of Criminology 467
Criminology & Public Policy rVolume 17 rIssue 2

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