Field Notes. How Small-Scale Fisheries Can Become a Huge Success

AuthorXiao Recio-Blanco
PositionDirector, Ocean Program
Reprinted by permission from The Environmental Forum®, May/June 2021.
Copyright © 2021, Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, D.C.
Field Notes
How Small-Scale
Fisheries Can Become
a Huge Success
By Xiao Recio-Blanco
Director, Ocean Program
ardship, and the central role
human rights and economic
the Small Scale-Fisheries
Law and Governance
Toolkit, implemented in
ians for Global Action, a global
focused on promoting human
and implementing these goals
on the ground through regula
this information in the form of
model legal language so that
provisions to the legal frame
published in 2019 in partner
The report found that most
concepts that are not devel
proaches that are not tailored
to the needs and conditions on
the ground.
Zooming in on the manage
that concept into governance
to exercise that right, and
the government agent does
generating actionable rules and
the challenges and needs of the
governance elements that
strengthen them: exclusive
ties and the creation of exclu
sections address fundamental
elements for enhancing the
scheme: strengthening compli
ance, overcoming the con
enough to help advance the
issue of sustainable gover
language can be applied to dif
vide better guidance to achieve
these objectives? The resource
governance challenge.
Nothing 
As the human population
continues to increase, the
ranging from traditional, cus
of coastal communities, and
spend their earnings in the
The governance problems
not small either. The most
common challenges relate to a
to improve management, and
as an absence of funding for
addressing reforms.
Nations published the “Volun
document stresses the close
connection among ocean gov

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