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Meet Ronald Durkin, CPA, partner at CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP and former FBI agent--who has repelled from helicopters. Durkin is a forensic accountant who does his lair share or bankruptcy work. Durkin has also served in CalCPA leadership. formerly as Forensic Services Section chair .an eight-year commitment), and is chair of the Cal CPA Amicus Curiae Committee.

How did you become involved in the FBI?

For those who enjoy mental and physical toughness, along with the courage to shoot someone who threatens your life Or someone else's life, it's a dream job. As a former member of our military and an accountant, the FBI was the right fit. It took about two years to receive my appointment to the FBI Academy, but I was elated to become an agent.

What did your work with the FBI entail?

In the early days I learned how to properly conduct an investigation. I was assigned white-collar crime, organized crime and drug cases during my first seven years. My first major case involved a large Ponzi scheme. Although I was not successful in getting investors their money back. I did present evidence that was used to convict all three promoters in the scheme. I then worked as an undercover CPA where I handled hank Fraud and money laundering. Working undercover is challenging because you have to renumber to live and work in a newly created identity. My last three years in the FBI involved serving on the physical surveillance and SWAT teams. I served as a warn leader on the surveillance squad, which was one of the most challenging. assignments I had. As a SNVAT team member, I was involved in several shootings. Nothing gets the juices flowing like being slit at or having a gull pointed at your face.

What sort of FBI training did you undergo?

Tim Academy focuses on three areas: classroom, weapon usage and physical conditioning. Law and legal issues were the most challenging classes. The physical conditioning aspects required everyone to pass tests for pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups and 2-mile run, among others, shooting ranges are challenging for those who have never shot a weapon.

Rumor has it, you repelled from an FBI helicopter.

Not only from helicopters, but also from buildings. Most scary was "fast-roping.' from a helicopter, which is quicker than repelling and more dangerous. When you repel. you have equipment and ropes to protect you. When you fast-rope, you have a larger circumference tope and two sets of gloves. The gloves protect your hands, but alter falling...

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