Facing the fear of rejection.

Almost everyone has encountered fear of rejection at one time or another. Remember the anxiety you experienced when asking for a date or applying for a new job. In small doses, we all can live with this. In the sales profession, however, it is as deadly as bubonic plague. Rejection fear is even worse when it is chronic. This condition usually is characterized by outside sales representatives who hand around the office too much or inside salespersons who spend more time dialing the time and temperature numbers than making their sales calls.

These rejection dreaders give a sigh of relief if an appointment is canceled and even look forward to having root canal dentistry. Any excuse to avoid rejection will do. If refused at the first appointment, they call it quits for the day and take in a movie. They like the extra-long business lunches, but still neglect to get the order. These masters of avoidance all have one thing in common--fear of rejection.

This profile is seen quite often at Lousig-Nont and Associates, a Las Vegas-based sales skills testing firm. When taking the Sales Success Profile, a test designed to measure 13 skills critical to a career in sales, these individuals score poorly in call enthusiasm and often do not to well in prospecting, cold calls, and time management "Every rejection is a catalyst to redirect their attention to something other than making personal contacts. They become very good at researching, planning...

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