Eye-opening safety tips.

PositionGift Giving - Brief Article

In the movie, "A Christmas Story," Ralphie sets out world that a Red Ryder BB gun is the perfect gift. "You'll shoot your eye out!" was the response he got from his parents, teacher, and even Santa Claus. It is one of the more memorable quotes from this film because we all have heard it repeatedly during our childhood. However, it comes true for too many people.

Toys--including some seemingly innocent ones--and sporting equipment are responsible for thousands of eye injuries to children.

"Every year, eye specialists see firsthand the devastating damage toys can warns Karen Gehrs, associate professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences in the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City. "By getting the word out, we hope to save children from needless suffering."

When shopping for toys, check labels to make sure they are age- and maturity-level appropriate; avoid games or toys with sharp or protruding parts or...

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