Extending TEI's common bonds.

AuthorTwinem, Carita R.
PositionTax Executives Institute - President's page

Recently, I visited several chapter and regional events to get a first-hand look at the energy and drive that animates our members, and the unique ways in which TEI provides value to them. Interestingly, while the three geographic locations could not have been more different--few could reasonably contend that Billund, Denmark; Houston, Texas; or Ottawa, Quebec share a great deal in common--the presence of a TEI event at each suddenly made each feel a little more like home. Common to each was outstanding technical content, delivered by subject matter experts and thought leaders in an open and engaging way. Equally evident was the strong sense of camaraderie, with everyone trying to make all (especially me) feel welcomed and at home. And, finally, the willingness of everyone to be open and share was apparent. I truly enjoyed the hospitality and courtesies that were extended to me during my visits. I only wish that I had been able to spend more time at TEI events in other places.

I came away from my TEI-related travels even more fully appreciative of the fact that the TEI formula truly works. Blending interested and committed in-house professionals who seek opportunities to meet and engage with their peers, coupled with supported employers and sponsors, TEI provides the ideal environment for the in-house tax professional to grow both personally and professionally.

But where should TEI seek to extend its membership base next, its brand and its commitment to serving in-house professionals? After a good deal of due diligence, I am delighted to report that the Institute's Board of Directors has unanimously approved the creation of a "chapter in formation" in Latin America, principally located in Brazil.

As many of you know, over the last decades, TEI has taken several preliminary but ultimately unsuccessful steps to explore forming a chapter in Latin America. These efforts lagged largely due to the absence of interested and committed in-house professionals willing to expend the time and energy necessary to establish and sustain a TEI chapter.

Recently, in-house professionals from several companies, notably Lluis Fargas (Alcoa Europe), Steven Foster (Dell), Lionel Nobre (Dell) and Daniel Paco (Petrobas) among others, have signaled a willingness to pursue a TEI chapter in Latin America. Their efforts, in conjunction with the strong efforts of Christer T. Bell (EMEA chapter) have renewed our focus on expanding the Institute's presence to Latin...

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