Exploring the predictability of range‐based volatility estimators using recurrent neural networks

AuthorGábor Petneházi,József Gáll
Date01 July 2019
Published date01 July 2019
Exploring the predictability of rangebased volatility estimators
using recurrent neural networks
Gábor Petneházi
|József Gáll
Doctoral School of Mathematical and
Computational Sciences, University of
Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
Department of Applied Mathematics and
Probability Theory, University of Debrecen,
Debrecen, Hungary
Gábor Petneházi, Doctoral School of
Mathematical and Computational Sciences,
University of Debrecen. Debrecen, Hungary
Email: gabor.petnehazi@science.unideb.hu
Funding information
EFOP3.6.3VEKOP16201700002; Pallas
Athéné Domus Scientiae Alapítvány
We investigate the predictability of several rangebased stock volatility estimates and
compare them with the standard closetoclose estimate, which is most commonly
acknowledged as the volatility. The patterns of volatility changes are analysed using
long shortterm memory recurrent neural networks, which are a stateoftheart
method of sequence learning. We implement the analysis on all current constituents
of the Dow Jones Industrial Average index and report averaged evaluation results.
We find that the direction of changes in the values of rangebased estimates are
more predictable than that of the estimate from daily closing values only.
long shortterm memory, rangebased volatility, recurrent neural network, volatilityforecasting
The volatility of assets has an important role in several areas of
finance. As a measure of riskiness, it is a key factor in, for example,
portfolio management and option pricing. A good understanding of
the nature and evolution of return volatilities is obviously valuable
for financial practitioners.
Volatility quantifies the dispersion of returns. Unfortunately, this
dispersion is not directly observable. Hence, we need to estimate it,
with not having a reliable benchmark.
Several studies have tried to explore and understand the nature of
this unknown volatility. One reasonable approach is sampling from the
price process frequently, so that we do not lose too much data. Ander-
sen, Bollerslev, Diebold, and Ebens, (2001) analysed the properties of
stock market volatility using 5 min returns. They reported that daily
variances significantly fluctuate through time, and their distributions
are extremely rightskewed and leptokurtic, whereas logarithmic stan-
dard deviations approximate the normal distribution well. Engle and
Patton, (2007) outlined several stylized facts of volatility that have
emerged in previous studies:
Persistence: large moves are usually followed by large moves, and
small moves are usually followed by small moves in the price
Mean reversion: usually, there is a normal level of volatility to
which it returns after uplifts and falls.
Asymmetric impact of innovations: positive and negative shocks
have different impacts on volatility.
Influence of exogenous variables: information outside the price
series (e.g. announcements) could have an impact on volatility.
These features suggest that, if we could measure volatility, it
should be somewhat forecastable. But we cannot measure it; the best
we can do is come up with reasonable proxies.
One such proxy is the standard deviation of returnsreturns,
which are usually calculated from daily closing prices. It is obvious
that by sampling the asset's price more frequently we could make
better estimates of its unobservable true volatility. If, for example,
we measured the daily price ranges (i.e. daily high minus daily low),
we would already know a lot more about the unseen path of the
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This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2019 The Authors Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Received: 13 September 2018 Revised: 2 April 2019 Accepted: 13 June 2019
DOI: 10.1002/isaf.1455
Intell Sys Acc Fin Mgmt. 2019;26:109116. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/isaf

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