Expert View When the Indispensable Caregiver Is the Abuser

LibraryAlzheimer's and the Practice of Law: Counseling Clients with Dementia and Their Families (ABA) (2013 Ed.)

Expert View When the Indispensable Caregiver Is the Abuser

Linda Voirin, LSW, is the victims' advocate for the Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Unit, Office of Joseph H. McMahon, Kane County (Illinois) state's attorney. The key point of this interview is the difficulty in prosecuting senior financial exploitation and elder-abuse cases.

Q: Linda, you're not an attorney, but you've been a victims' advocate for over 10 years in the state's attorney's office and you deal specifically with seniors and persons with disabilities. Describe your role as it relates to the whole team.

A: We have some attorneys who have been specifically trained in dealing with the issues of abuse and the needs of the elderly, as well as attorneys who are trained specifically for the crimes that are committed against the elderly, such as financial exploitation. In addition, there is the concept of aggravated theft or aggravated assault. So as a victims' advocate, we are helping the elderly victim to understand, first of all, what's happening in the court system, being in communication with them as to court dates, and what's happening in meetings with the attorney.

Often, if they have been victimized, it's a sign that there are other areas in their life that need looking at. Maybe they were particularly sought out as a victim because of a weakness that they had. Maybe they need...

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