Expert View The Red Flag of Alzheimer's: a Change of Character

LibraryAlzheimer's and the Practice of Law: Counseling Clients with Dementia and Their Families (ABA) (2013 Ed.)

Expert View The Red Flag of Alzheimer's: A Change of Character

Dr. William Thies is currently the senior scientist in residence at the Alzheimer's Association, having served previously as the chief medical and scientific officer. Before joining the Alzheimer's Association, Dr. Thies worked at the American Heart Association. Prior to that, he held faculty positions at Indiana University in Bloomington and the University of Pittsburgh.

Q: Dr. Thies, lawyers are laypeople when it comes to Alzheimer's disease. From your point of view, what are some of the most important things that lawyers need to understand?

A: The worst part of Alzheimer's disease is the later stages of the disease, and if we actually found ways to keep people from getting into those late stages, we would save an immense amount of human suffering, because people's quality of life goes to zero, plus the fact that their family is devastated by it and it can rob them of all of their resources at the same time.

This disease is one of the major cost drivers in a healthcare system that is becoming a major cost driver for our whole economy—and we've got to find ways to lighten the load or it's going to wreck the whole economy.

Q: What factors are observable to lawyers and other people to be able to say, "I think Chris or Mary may be...

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