Expert View The Hope of Vanquishing Alzheimer's Disease

LibraryAlzheimer's and the Practice of Law: Counseling Clients with Dementia and Their Families (ABA) (2013 Ed.)

Expert View The Hope of Vanquishing Alzheimer's Disease

Harry Johns is president and CEO of the Alzheimer's Association.

Q: Let's start with a common misperception: that Alzheimer's is not a fatal disease.

A: Most people still do not realize the basics of Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's disease is progressive, degenerative, and ultimately fatal. Unfortunately, laypeople still think about the disease as "a little bit of memory loss." I talk to people all the time, all over the country. Many times, when I say that Alzheimer's disease is progressive, degenerative, and fatal, people respond, "Alzheimer's disease isn't fatal!" Well-educated people in high positions will argue back at me, "You don't die of Alzheimer's disease!"

Q: Do you often see denial when early symptoms appear?

A: Denial is a really powerful evolutionary protection. If we simply accept all the terrible things that go on in the world every day and don't operate on some level of denial, we would all cease to function. Denial helps us to deal with everyday life. Unfortunately, denial as related to Alzheimer's disease leads to many bad outcomes.

Q: What are the earliest signs of Alzheimer's?

A: Memory loss is often the first sign that others recognize and attribute to Alzheimer's disease. Here are the 10 early warning signs:

• memory loss that disrupts daily life

• challenges in planning or solving problems

• difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work, or at leisure

• confusion with...

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