Executive Committee: Message from the Chair

Publication year2018
AuthorUzzi O. Raanan
Executive Committee: Message from the Chair

Uzzi O. Raanan

When asked why, at eighty-one, he continued to practice four or five hours a day, renowned cellist Pablo Casals is said to have answered, "because I think I am making progress."

"Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it."

—Albert Einstein

The practice of law is dynamic. With a growing number of attorneys, shifting business conditions, and the unpredictable influence of technology, many attorneys seek ways to distinguish themselves and remain competitive. While there are many paths to success, staying informed about the changing law, by most accounts, is critical.

Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, 'Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."

The way to stay abreast of fast-changing legal standards in the legal profession is to become involved. This means writing, reading, speaking, and attending cutting-edge programs. One should engage with other practitioners and experts and must never stop learning. An attorney who has stopped learning has arguably given up on the "practice" of law.

The legal profession enjoys a unique place in American society. Democracy cannot exist without the rule of law, and lawyers are guardians of the legal system. With this honor comes responsibility. Lawyers must understand the direction society is headed, be mindful of the laws needed to protect the vulnerable, and predict how statutes should be revised to keep up with the pace of progress.

In addition to understanding law on a macro level, California business law practitioners must understand the needs of their individual clients. This also entails staying informed about legal developments reflected in case law, new legislation, and law review articles. Only by understanding the interface of the law and business can practitioners truly serve their clients' evolving needs.

As a reader of this article, you're likely a member of the Business Law Section (BLS) and are taking advantage of the cutting-edge articles featured each quarter in the Business Law News (BLN). However, as recognized by Benjamin Franklin, by being actively "involved" you will truly learn and distinguish yourself among other California lawyers:


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