Evolution of multivariate copulas in continuous and discrete processes

Published date01 January 2018
AuthorNaoyuki Ishimura,Yasukazu Yoshizawa
Date01 January 2018
Evolution of multivariate copulas in continuous and discrete
Yasukazu Yoshizawa
|Naoyuki Ishimura
Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan
Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
Yasukazu Yoshizawa, 52820 Hakusan
Bunkyoku Tokyo, 1128606, Japan.
Email: Yoshizawa@toyo.jp
Funding information
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS), Grant/Award Numbers: 15K04992,
GrantinAid for Scientific Research (C)
JEL Classification: C31; C32; C46; C53; C58;
There has been much interest in copulas, which are known to provide a flexible tool for analyzing
the dependence structure among random variables. Dependence relations must be dynamic
rather than static in nature. However, copulas are useful mainly for static matters. Thus we intro-
duce evolving multivariate copulas, which transform through time autonomously governed by the
multivariate heat equation. Our aims are to prove their existences and solutions to analyze their
transitions. Moreover, we construct discrete type to apply empirical data analysis and investigate
their properties, and prove that they converge to their original continuous type.
copula, partial differential equation, quantitative riskmanagement
Dependence relations among random variables are one of the most
important aspects of probability and statistics. Analyzing dependence
structures is crucial from both theoretical and applied viewpoints.
Recently, members of the financial sector, such as insurance compa-
nies and their regulators, have recognized that it is critical to manage
these risks in a sophisticated manner, that is, quantitatively. Quantita-
tively measured risks play a central role in this management frame-
work. These entities face many kinds of risks, and the relations
between them are very complicated. Thus, it is crucial to reflect on
dependence relations to measure risks quantitatively: the more
dependence there is among risks, the less aggregated the risks are.
(see Yoshizawa, 2009, 2010).
Linear correlation is often recognized as a satisfactory measure of
dependence in risk management. However, it cannot capture the
nonlinear dependence relations that exist among many risk factors.
(see Embrechts, Lindskog, & McNeil, 2003; Embrechts, McNeil, &
Straumann, 1999; Embrechts, McNeil, & Straumann, 2002). What
expresses the dependence relations among risk factors? If we capture
a multivariate joint distribution of all the risk factors, we can recognize
their dependence structure probabilistically or statistically.
For this reason, there has been much interest in copulas. A copula
links multivariate joint distribution and univariate marginal distribu-
tions. Copulas are often employed to investigate the dependence
structure among random variables. The fundamental theorem of cop-
ulas, Sklar's theorem, first appeared in 1959. (see Schweizer & Sklar,
1983; Sklar, 1973). This elegant theorem claims that all multivariate
distributions have copulas, and that copulas are used in conjunction
with univariate distributions to construct multivariate distributions.
As for the study of copulas, Frees and Valdez (1998) and Tsukahara
(2003) provided useful introductive reviews. Nelsen (2006) wrote the
excellent standard textbook, providing a systematic development of
the theory of copulas, particularly bivariate copulas. The book by
Durante and Sempi (2016) and the books by Joe (1997, 2015) are also
helpful, and they cover multivariate copulas. Additionally, McNeil,
Frey, and Embrechts (2005) introduced copulas theoretically and prac-
tically, examining quantitative risk management for financial sectors.
Because of their flexibility, copulas have been extensively studied
and applied in a wide range of areas involving dependence relations.
(see Breymann, Dias, & Embrechts, 2003; Genest & MacKay, 1986;
Goda, 2010; Goda & Atkinson, 2009; Goorbergh, van den Genest, &
Werker, 2005; Lebrun & Dutfoy, 2009).
However, copulas are useful mainly for static matters; their defini-
tions themselves do not contain time variables. Mikosch (2005) sug-
gests, Copulas do not fit into the existing framework of stochastic
processes and time series analysis; they are essentially static models
and are not useful for modeling dependence through time. Nonethe-
less, a few exceptions exist: copulas and the Markov process, as in
Darsow, Nguyen, and Olsen (1992), and dynamic copulas, as in Patton
(2006). Copulas and Markov processes can be used to analyze the
dependence relations between Markov processes at different times.
Dynamic copulas involve the development of dynamic time series
models for financial return data using conditional copulas. Fermanian
and Wegkamp (2012) introduced the concept of pseudocopulas,
extending Patton's definition of conditional copulas. Hafner and
Received: 13 April 2017 Revised: 27 October 2017 Accepted: 21 December 2017
DOI: 10.1002/isaf.1420
44 Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Intell Sys Acc Fin Mgmt. 2018;25:4459.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/isaf
Manner (2012), Härdle, Okhrin, and Wang (2010), and Manner and
Reznikova (2012) are excellent articles in this regard. Furthermore,
Kallsen and Tankov (2006) propose the Lévy copula for the Lévy pro-
cess, and a survey by Bielecki, Jakubowski, and Nieweglowski (2010)
introduced some copulas for stochastic processes.
The above previous dynamic copulas theories adopted parametric
movement of copula functions, such as Clayton copulas, Gaussian cop-
ulas, and tcopulas. All of these theories predicted future relations
from past results and tendencies. We wish to find dynamic copulas
that transform autonomously governed by some laws such as evolu-
tion equations.
It is well known that rank correlations, which are defined as the
probability of concordance minus the probability of disconcordance
for a pair of distributed random vectors, are the prevailing measures
of dependence. Moreover these rank correlations are derived only
by copulas. That is to say, copulas can determine rank correlations.
Thus, we believe that it is natural to analyze only copulas in the study
of transformations of dependence structures through time. As a first
step, we start by investigating how copulas transform, if they evolve
in accordance with the heat equation, which is one of the basic partial
differential equations used to describe dynamic movements. We name
these transformations of copulas as evolution of copulas, where the
evolution comes from the evolution equation interpreted as the
differential law of the development (evolution) in time of a system.
In the case of bivariate variables, we already studied them as the
bivariate evolution of copulas in Ishimura and Yoshizawa (2011a, b),
Yoshizawa (2015), and Yoshizawa and Ishimura (2011a, b). Main con-
tribution of our study is that for any initial copulas their evolution of
copulas converges to the product copula and their rank correlations
converge to zero, where these results express the independent rela-
tions among variables
However, the objects of our study do not always consist of two
factor events, but usually multifactor events. Therefore multivariate
copulas must be necessary for any study and any application both the-
oretically and practically. There are some excellent books on multivar-
iate copulas, such as Durante and Sempi (2016), Joe (1997, 2015) and
McNeil, Frey and Embrechts (2005).
In this article we extend the theory from bivariate copulas to
multivariate ones, and study the evolution of multivariate copulas
governed by a multivariate heat equation. In conclusion, the evolution
of multivariate copulas have the same properties as the evolution of
bivariate copulas both in continuous processes and discrete processes.
Because of these results, we can apply these theories not only to two
variable cases but also to multi variable cases. The major contributions
of this article are that we can apply these theorems not only to the
events consisting of two factors, but also any phenomena.
We explain the details of evolution of multivariate copulas in
continuous processes in section 2, and those for discrete processes
in section 3. In expanding bivariate cases to multivariate cases, there
were some difficulties in proving their theorems in multivariate cases
compared to simple bivariate cases. Therefore we use some new
techniques for these proofs. Recently vine copulas have become
popular owning to their convenience in creating multivariate distri-
butions using only marginal distributions and their bivariate condi-
tional copulas. We study the outline of the evolution of vine
copulas in section 2.5. In section 4, we apply the evolution of multi-
variate copulas to empirical data. Finally, in section 5, we discuss the
prospects of evolution of copulas, as well as the concept of general-
ized evolution of copulas which is the extension type of discrete
evolution of copulas.
In this section 1, as an introduction, we summarize the basic
concept of copulas in section 1.1, the basic concept of rank corre-
lations in section 1.2, the continuous evolution of bivariate copulas
in section 1.3, and the discrete evolution of bivariate copulas in
section 1.4 so as to enable readers to understand multivariate evo-
lution of copulas easily, because bivariate cases are simpler than
multivariate cases.
1.1 |Bivariate copulas
We marshal the basic concepts and properties of bivariate copulas for
the preparation of the subsequent sections. We illustrate the definition
of bivariate copulas; describe Sklar's theorem, which plays a central
role in copula theories. For background issues in this section, we refer
mainly to McNeil, Frey and Embrechts (2005) and Nelsen (2006).
The bivariate copulas are defined by some conditions described in
the following (1.1) and (1.2). The property (1.1) is called 2increasing
condition, and the properties (1.2) are boundary conditions. The image
of a copula is shown diagrammatically in Figure 1.
1.1.1 |Copulas
Bivariate copula is a function C(u,v) from I
to I, which is defined by the
following conditions
2increasing condition;
for ui;vj
Boundary conditions;
Cu;1ðÞ¼uand C1;vðÞ¼v:(1:2)
The following Sklar's theorem is the core theory among various
copula theories. Thanks to this theorem we can construct multivariate
distribution by coupling univariate marginal distributions. The Figure 2
is the conceptual image of the coupling using Sklar's theorem.
FIGURE 1 Copula

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