Everything comes together.

AuthorShewbridge, Charles W., III
PositionTax Executives Institute year in review

I'm sure you've seen the ad. A couple is driving their car on a wind-swept, rainy New Orleans street. They turn on the radio and a smooth jazz beat floats through the car. The couple begins to nod their heads in time to the music; the windshield wipers start to keep time and soon basketball players and people walking are in step. As the couple drives off, an overvoice says, "Sometimes, everything comes together."

That's how it's been for TEI this last year: Everything is coming together. A year ago, TEI adopted a strategic plan that confirmed the Institute's vision as the preeminent association of business tax professionals whose mission is to serve its members and their employers through education, advocacy, and networking. The plan sets forth five goals, including providing high quality education; maximizing networking opportunities for members; enhancing the effectiveness of TEI's advocacy efforts; attracting and retaining members; and ensuring an effective organization. This past year's overarching goal was to begin implementing the plan.

Are we finished? No, the plan is a work in progress and the Institute's senior officers recently met to "refresh" it. In addition, we are anticipating the final reports of the Strategic Planning Task Forces on Volunteerism, Advocacy, and Marketing, which will be submitted to the Board in August. For now, I am pleased to report our progress.


One of the operational objectives for the year was to develop a more effective marketing program for TEI's educational programs. We succeeded beyond all expectation by producing a stellar continuing education program. One of the "stars" in the program was the sold-out federal program in November on select GAAP issues. Our other seminars on state and local developments and IRS audits and appeals also drew significantly more people than anticipated, as did our federal and advanced international tax courses.

We are also exploring new ways to communicate effectively with the government and each other. Responding to the need for information about the reorganization of the Internal Revenue Service, TEI was pleased to host the heads of the five IRS industry groups at the Midyear Conference. In addition, TEI's Continuing Education Committee took a hard look at the structure of the conference and the members' requests for more technical content. Participants at TEI's 2000 Annual Conference in San Diego will have to make many -- sometimes difficult -- choices about...

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