European Energy Policy: An Environmental Approach.

AuthorCorrelje, Aad

European Energy Policy: An Environmental Approach, edited by FRANCESC MORATA and ISRAEL SOLORIO SANDOVAL. (Edward Elgar Cheltenham UK-Northampton, MA, USA. 2012) 256 pages. Hardback ISBN 978-0-85793-920-3, ebook ISBN 978-0-85793-921-0.

The aim of this book is "to highlight the significance of environmental policy concerns, instruments, and objectives vis-a`-vis the competing security and market dimensions in order to achieve an all-embracing EU energy policy perspective for the future." In the introduction Solorio Sandoval and Morata present the analytical framework of the book, the three step "Green Euro-peanization" model. Step one involves the increasing intervention of the European Commission in the energy chain by means of regulations, motivated by environmental concerns. Step two comprises the subsequent "green Europeanization" of energy policy. This internal dimension is covered in Part I of the book and analyses the process of integrating energy and environmental policy, in which Member states to an increasing extent cede policy-making responsibilities in both fields to Brussels, while relying on their national administration for the execution of policies. Part II of the book covers step three of the model, the external dimension, in which Europe attempts to extend these policies towards neighbouring non-member countries. The substance of the book is formed by a set of rich and informative chapters.

Chapter 2, by Adelle, Russel and Pallemaerts, provides the longer term perspective on the process of integration of EU environmental and climate change policies and energy policy. It focusses on the concept of Environmental Policy Integration (EPI), "a strategy to achieve a shift in governance so that the environment is placed at the heart of policy-making in non-environmental sectors,", and evaluates how far and how this integration has taken place, so far.

In Chapter 3, Knudsen examines firstly how EPI has been instrumental in the promotion of renewable energy (RES) at the Community level. Subsequently, he examines the role of EPI in the national RES policies of Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. This chapter highlights the challenges for EPI arising from the variations in the Member States' characteristics and the consequent tensions with communal policies.

Chapter 4, by Busch and Jorgens, dives deeper into Europeanization of RES policies, analysing the role of mechanisms of policy coordination, i.e. cooperation, coercion and...

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