Europe's Libya intervention: a special report.

AuthorAbrahamson, James L.

Europe's Libya Intervention: A Special Report


Reviewed by James L. Abrahamson

Although the American media have given great attention to President Obama's intentions for Libya and the views of his critics, this analysis by STRATFOR, a "global team of intelligence professionals," sketches Europe's role, sparked by France and the UK, in efforts to overturn Gadhafi's government, pass UN Security Council Resolution 1973,* and create the coalition now opposed to Libya.

Two perspectives seem to have shaped European support for the UN's call for the "immediate establishment of a cease fire" between Gadhafi's forces and those of Libya's revolu tion aries and "an end to . . . all attacks against, and abuses of, civilians." Coalition support for Libya's rebels would compensate for Europe's long-standing tolerance of and assistance to the Arab world's despots and its earlier reluctance to support the Arab's pro-democracy protests, which Europe now sees as a genuine "outburst of pro-democratic sentiment in the Western sense."

Despite broad initial support for a no-fly zone and protection of Libya citizens, European unity quickly weakened when it appeared that Gadhafi could not be "dislodged...

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