Enough's enough.

Virginia has passed a package of drunk driving bills that makes the state's laws among the toughest and most comprehensive in the nation. More than 20 bills were signed into law as the Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Drugs Omnibus Bill.

The new laws take aim at repeat offenders. Drivers convicted of a second drunk driving offense within five years face a mandatory 20-day jail term. A third offense gets them six months and possible revocation of their driver's licenses. Repeat offenders who refuse alcohol tests will be charged with a misdemeanor and given extended administrative license suspensions.

Particularly innovative, under a new "zero tolerance" standard, repeat offenders who are driving on a restricted license will lose it for a year if they are arrested with a blood alcohol content (BAC) over .02. Bail and plea bargaining are restricted for repeat offenders. Drivers with three or more drunk driving convictions within 10 years can even lose their cars under a new vehicle forfeiture law.

The new laws also address the problem of extremely drunk drivers. Virginia's high BAC threshold was lowered from .20 to .15, with a five-day increase in mandatory jail time. Even harsher penalties face drivers a BAC in excess of .20, with 10 days tacked onto their sentences. The new high BAC laws apply to both first-time and repeat offenders.

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