Energy security.

AuthorKojro, Chester A.
PositionReaders' Forum - Letter to the editor

* The article, "Defense Energy: Small, Incremental Steps Do Better Than Sweeping Reforms" (September 2011, p. 18) addressed very broad and convoluted issues and presented the various positions rather well. However, the subject of "drop-in" bio-fuels sort of got glossed over and needs to be exposed for the boondoggle that it is.

As reported by Sandra Erwin, emerging biofuels cost several hundred if not thousands of dollars per gallon. Advocates suggest that a long-term commitment by the military combined with airlines and shipping could create a demand that would reduce prices. This is utter nonsense. The military has two problems concerning fuel-cost and transportation-and biofuel addresses neither.

Regarding costs, the Defense Department's "green energy zealots" have lost sight of the obvious; fuel is fungible. The military and all users for that matter, need it regardless of type (petroleum or alternate) and source (foreign or domestic). Whatever is consumed must be replaced, again regardless of source.

There is a global market for new sources and supplies of...

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