Energy efficiency for the winter.

PositionYour Life

Personal comfort needs can mesh effectively with a winter energy savings plan if a few fundamental changes are mastered. Moreover, once in the habit of being efficient, it becomes second nature. You can stay comfortable and reduce energy costs by:

* Insulate your home. You would not go outside in the winter without a coat; the same applies to your house. Begin with the attic, followed by exterior and basement walls, floors, and crawl spaces. Insulation is the backbone of comfortable living and energy efficiency.

* Seal all cracks and crevices where different building materials meet. Weather stripping also makes sense between heated and unheated areas such as garages, basements, and attics.

* Windows are one of the worst culprits for energy loss. If shopping for new windows, look for the Energy Star label which the EPA and the Department of Energy established to set efficiency levels. According to the government, households that replace existing equipment with Energy Star products can expect to cut energy costs by 30%.

* Choose a programmable thermostat. It adapts to your schedule, delivering comfort when you are awake and saving energy while you sleep. This prevents your bedroom from becoming chilly or your living room from being stuffy.

* When adjusting a thermostat by hand, cranking up the heat only to turn it back later does not warm up the house any faster, and you might forget to turn it down, wasting heat in the process.

* Beware of turning down a heat pump by hand because it might trigger an inefficient backup heater.

* Clean or replace furnace filters once a month during the winter.

* The least expensive way to heat your house is by using the sun. Open the drapes to let sunlight warm rooms.

* Set the water heater at 125[degrees]F (or lower). This is hot enough for most needs--including dishwashers--and it cuts down on energy to keep water hot in the tank.

* Set the central heating fan switch in the "auto" position. If left "on," the heating system can increase costs.

* A portable heater...

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