Electoral Reform and Parliamentary Debates

AuthorMartin G. Søyland,Bjørn Høyland
Date01 November 2019
Published date01 November 2019
DOI: 10.1111/lsq.12237
University of Oslo
Electoral Reform and
Parliamentary Debates
The early twentieth century saw many democracies adopt proportional
representative systems. The textbook explanation, pioneered by Rokkan, empha-
size between-party electoral competition; the rise of the Socialist vote share made
Bourgeois parties prefer PR systems to maximize their seat share. While appeal-
ing, this account is not entirely compelling. Consequently, scholars are investi-
gating within-party explanations of support for such reforms. Particularly, Cox,
Fiva, and Smith show how list PR enable party leaders to discipline members
and build cohesive parties. Relying on roll-call votes across the Norwegian 1919
electoral reform from two-round single-member plurality to closed-list PR, they
show that the internal party cohesion increased following the reform. We investi-
gate how the Norwegian electoral reform changed the content of parliamentary
speeches. Comparing speeches from MPs present both before and after the re-
form, we show how parties become more cohesive in parliamentary debates under
list PR than they were under the single-member-district system.
The early twentieth ce ntury saw many young democrac ies
changing their electoral systems f rom single-member plur ality
systems to proportional representative system s. The textbook
explanation for this change, pioneere d by Rokkan (1970) em-
phasizes b etween-party electoral competition. In p articular, the
rise of the Socia list vote share made frag mented Bourgeois par-
ties prefer PR systems to mi nimi ze their seat share loss in the
aftermath of the i ntroduction of universal su ffrage. Boix (1999)
provides a formaliz ation and an empiric al test of this arg u-
ment (see also Boix 2010). While the argument is elegant, it has
been criti cized on both empi rical and conc eptional grounds.
Empirical ly, Blais, Dobrzzynska, and I ndridason (2004) fail to
find any systematic relationship betwee n the “Socialist th reat”
and switching to propor tional representation, while Leem ann
and Mares (2014), investigating distric t-, rather than countr y-level
effects, inde ed find that d istrict-level vul nerability and dead-vote
© 2019 Washington University in St. L ouis
594 Bjørn Høyland and Martin G. Søyland
disproportionality explain the adoption of PR. Calvo (2009, 256)
argues that in c ountries such as Austr ia, Germany, Italy, the
Netherlands, and Norway, countries Rokkan (1970) use to argue
the “Socialist t hreat,” PR reforms were actually suppor ted by the
Social Democ ratic parties. Moreover, in those countr ies the re-
form improved the seat shares won by the Soc ial Democratic par-
ties rather than helpi ng the old elite maximizi ng their seat shares.
Moreover, the two-round election systems in plac e in many of
these countries provided the divide d bourgeois bloc able op-
portunity for betwe en-coordination after the fir st round (Blais,
Dobrzzynska , and Indridason 2 004; Calvo 2009), although Fiva
and Smith (2017a) point to geographical chal lenges to mobiliz-
ing and coordinati ng the party vote the local c andidate redraws.
Nevertheless, Fiva and Hi x (2018) demonstrate that within-g roup
voter coordination fell in Norway in the aftermath of the reform
to PR.
The reduced i ncentive to cater for voter coordination in PR
systems has impl ications for within-par ty dynamic s. As a result,
legislative scholars have star ted to investigate within-par ty effects
of electoral systems more generally and the ef fects of electoral re-
forms on legislative behavior in p articular (for an overview of this
literature, se e Andre, Depauw, and Shugart 2014). When studying
the effect of electora l systems on legislative b ehavior, a key dis-
tinction is made b etween candid ate- and party- centered system s
(Carey 2007; Hix 2002, 2004). In the former system, voters c an
choose their most preferr ed candidates , while in the latter, voters
are only provided a mean ingful choice b etween parties. In candi-
date-ce ntered systems, leg islators vote less in line with the party
(Carey 2007; Cox, Fiva, and Smith 2019; Depauw and Marti n
2009), focus more on their constituencie s (Høyland, Hobolt, and
Hix 2017; McLay and Vowles 2007), and run more p ersonal cam-
paigns (Catalina c 2016, 2017). Such behavior is mai nly attributed
to individual candidates’ inc entive to influence their ele ctoral
prospects inde pendently of the party leader ship. Of particular rel-
evance to us, Cox, Fiva, and Smith (2019) investigate how list PR
grants part y leaders control of the nominat ion process which i n
turn enable them to discipline t heir members and bui ld cohesive
parties. Relying on roll-call votes before and aft er the Norwegian
1919 electoral reform from two-round si ngle-member plura lity to
closed-list PR, they show that party le aders preferred t he reform
to a larger degree th an rank-and-file membe rs and that the inter-
nal party cohe sion increase d following the reform.

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