Eggshell nanoparticles are missing ingredient.

PositionBiodegradable Packaging

Eggshells are both marvels and afterthoughts. Placed on end, they are as strong as the arches supporting ancient Roman aqueducts. Yet, they readily crack in the middle and, once that happens, we discard them without a second thought. However, researchers at Tuskegee (Ala.) University have found that adding tiny shards of eggshell to bioplastic could create a first-of-its-kind biodegradable packaging material that bends but does not break easily.

Worldwide, manufacturers produce about 300,000,000 tons of plastic annually. Almost 99% of it is made with crude oil and other fossil fuels. Once it is discarded, petroleum-based plastics can last for centuries without breaking down. If burned, these plastics release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which can contribute to global climate change.

As an alternative, some manufacturers are producing bioplastics--a form of plastic derived from cornstarch, sweet potatoes, or other renewable plant-based sources--that readily decompose or biodegrade once they are in the ground. However, most of these materials lack the strength and flexibility needed to work well in the packaging industry, and that is a problem since the vast majority of plastic is used to hold, wrap, and encase products. So, petroleum-based materials continue to dominate the market, particularly in grocery and other retail stores, where estimates suggest that up to one trillion plastic bags are distributed worldwide every year.

To find a solution, Vijaya Rangari, professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and his colleagues experimented with various plastic polymers. Eventually, they latched onto a mixture of 70%...

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