Effects of voluntary activities of university students on reputation management strategies of universities: Sample of public university

Published date01 February 2021
AuthorSibel Akova,Gökmen Kantar
Date01 February 2021
Effects of voluntary activities of university students on
reputation management strategies of universities: Sample of
public university
Sibel Akova
| Gökmen Kantar
Faculty of Art and Design, Department of
Communication Arts, Yalova University,
Yalova, Turkey
Faculty of Economics and Administrative
Sciences, Political Science and Public
Administration, Tekirda
g Namık Kemal
University, Tekirda
g, Turkey
Sibel Akova, Faculty of Art and Design,
Department of Communication Arts, Yalova
University, Yalova, Turkey.
Email: sibelakova@gmail.com
Reputation and reputation management, referred to as evaluations related to organiza-
tions, are a compilation of perceptual descriptions that are in relation with nearly all of
the concepts included within public relations field at national and international levels, that
are impossible to be characterized independently from the notion of society they exist in,
that are determined by West centered frameworks, whose conceptual structures change
relatively at social and cultural levels, and that are included in social sciences disciplines
which have the nature to create the agenda especially after 1990s. In the era of change
where preferences, tastes, needs, desires, and daily routines change, reputation and repu-
tation management are considered as a prescription including crucial elements in
reaching target groups and having the nature of a key to institutional approach whose
conceptual framework cannot be drawn by sharp lines. In today's cyclical structure in
which every element the institutions face together with their competitors change rapidly
and the process of decision making turns into a complex structure, the efforts of inter-
preting the complex structures that exceed the national level and tend to institutionalize
at global scale have been an issue of discussion questioned, framed, and followed by
many social sciences disciplinary, from sociology to anthropology, from marketing to
communication sciences. In this manner, reputation and reputation management con-
cepts including emotional and rational aspects are descriptions of information and opin-
ions of individuals with relation to institutions and organizations as well as values. In
today's world, in which we experience the age of information, it is impossible to reach
the speed and density of communication networks, basic marketing strategies, the fact of
globalization, every doctrine, concept and thesis change radically, the reputation and rep-
utation management concepts take over a key role in enabling the institutions to make
the highest level of profit, to increase recognition and productivity in terms of products
and services they introduce, and they are considered as long term processes composing
the whole of current and potential perceptions. The thesis of reputation and reputation
management, forming the basic subject of the study and considered as successor of Pub-
lic Relations disciplinary, have been studies within the scope of public institutions, espe-
cially Universities providing Higher Education, questioned within the framework of
culture, intercultural communication and organizational culture concepts and theories,
and examined in parallel with Public Relations context.
Received: 19 March 2020 Accepted: 24 March 2020
DOI: 10.1002/pa.2149
J Public Affairs. 2021;21:e2149. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pa © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 1of14

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