Effective information governance is power.

AuthorJuhnke, Deborah H.
PositionThe Sedona Conference Commentary on Finding the Hidden ROI in Information Assets - Book review

The Sedona Conference[R] Commentary on Finding the Hidden ROI in Information Assets

Author: The Sedona Conference[R]: Jason R. Baton, editor-in-chief

Publisher: The Sedona Conference[R]

Publication Data: 2011

Length: 18 pages

Price: Free

ISBN-13: 978-1856046664

Source: https://thesedonaconference.org/download.pub/466


Taking a page from the growing focus on information governance, The Sedona Conference[R] Commentary on Finding the Hidden ROI in Information Assets (ROI Commentary) offers an option value approach to information governance, which recognizes "the long-term strategic value of using and repurposing" information assets "in new and additional ways."

As the authors--members of The Sedona Conference[R] Working Group on Electronic Document Retention and Production (WG1)--note, "... Information is power ... [s]o why throw it away?"

Beginning the Discussion

Consistent with other publications from The Sedona Conference[R], the ROI Commentary is the product of more than a dozen contributing editors from various professions, including certified records managers, lawyers, and information technologists, and it is intended to foster a new perspective on the well-defined concept of information risk management.

Consequently, the ROI Commentary will be most useful to the strategic thinkers and planners in an organization, as opposed to those tasked with carrying out day-to-day information governance. For records professionals, the concept of option value provides a good theoretical basis for discussion.

Value of Information Governance

The ROI Commentary focuses on governing information that has a significant initial value, as opposed to less useful or transitory information. It includes an excellent executive summary and introduction that lay out the rationale for moving beyond an e-discovery-driven need simply to manage risk through information governance. The ROI Commentary proposes that there is hidden value and a return on investment (ROI) to be had in corporate information, if only it can be identified and measured.

The ROI Commentary contains six substantive parts:

  1. How information systems develop

  2. The business case for adopting the option value approach

  3. Using interdisciplinary teams and processes

  4. Identifying and assessing option value opportunities

  5. A framework for calculating option value assets

  6. Implementing an option value initiative through C-level champions

The discussion acknowledges that incremental...

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