Editors' Note

AuthorPaulo A. Lopes - Melissa Blue Sky
feasibility of border tax adjustme nts designed to reduc e global
greenh ouse gas emissi ons and how t hey migh t conf‌l ict with
existing WTO multilat eral rules.
With the W TO’s Doha D evelopment Round stalled and
the wor ld’s econ omies strug gling to resume gr owth, we must
rememb er t hat although inter national trade and investm ent
is a n integral part of the global ec onomy, it is a mere subset
within the overarchin g goal o f sustainable development. T his
issue of Sustainable Developmen t Law & Policy seeks to con-
tribu te t o t he understand ing of important deve lopments in
internation al trade and investment and encourage further inte-
gration of su stainable development principles into existing and
future frameworks. For on ly with the p roper balance and rec-
ognition of both the environm ent and development, an d their
connection with tr ade and investment, can sustainable develop-
ment be reali zed.
Paulo A. Lopes Melissa Blue Sky
Editor-In-Chief Editor-In-Chief
Over the past f‌i fty years, internatio nal trade and invest-
ment has grown consi derably and connected country
economies worldwide. So t oo have the l egal frame-
works created to coordinate such activity: from the cr eation of
the f‌i rst bilateral investment tr eaty in 19591 to the more than
2,700 in existen ce today,2 the establish ment of the World Trade
Organizat ion (“WTO”) in 1995, and over 20 0 regional trade
agreement s currently in force.3 While much attentio n focused
on in ternational trade and investment star ting in 2008, as the
U.S. f‌i nancial cris is led to a global trade coll apse, impacts of
inter national trade and investment outs ide o f the econo mic
realm, in particu lar on sustainable development, are growing in
recognition. Countries are beginning to in tegrate environmen-
tal standards into fre e trade and inte rnational investment agree-
ments, the WTO and United Nations Enviro nment Programme
collaborated on a tr ade and clima te change repo rt,4 the World
Bank Group’s Intern ational Fi nance Cor poration released its
revised Sustainabi lity Framework for p rivate secto r develop-
ment projects in May 2011, and after the 2007-2008 surge in
food prices and resulting private p urchases of land in develop-
ing countries , concerns of “land g rabbing” have been raised.
Articles in this issue on Trade, Investment, and Sustaina ble
Development review some of the def‌i ciencies and imbalances
of existing trad e an d inves tment agreement s whi le pr opos-
ing solutions to he lp counte r and mitigate these issues. One
author foc uses on the issue s concerning the health, safety, and
environmen tal measu res and whether the non -discriminatio n
standards in investment tr eaties require consideration of these
measures. Another author reviews the issues pertain ing to the
U.S. trade policy and how it can be used to advance global food
security goals as opposed to hinderin g them. N ext, an a rticle
analyze s the often highly secret ive and conf‌i denti al for eign
investment con tracts in the oil and gas sector, with a focus on
the environ mentally relevant cl auses in these contracts. Whil e
another article addresses measures being take n to st rengthen
environm ental and social sustaina bility in China’s overseas
investments and consider s whether Ch inese instituti ons could
learn from oth er in stitutions . Las tly, an article review s the
eDitorS’ note
14 | the lurking coStS oF green technology
metalS in a global market
by Winf‌i eld J. Wilson
21 | global traDe: the impact oF maSSachuSettS
energy policy on columbiaS mining inDuStry
by Cynthia Wildf‌i re
27 | Small winD turbineS may change the Future
oF energy in Developing countrieS
by Robert Foster
1 50th Anniversary of the First Bilateral Investment Treaty: An Occasion for
Celebration or Ref‌l ecti on?, intl inSt. For SuStainable Dev., (Dec. 3, 20 09),
2 uniteD nationS conFe rence on traDe & inv., worlD inveStment report
2010: inveSting in a low-carbon economy 81 (2010), http://www.unctad.org/
3 Regional Trade Agreements, worlD traDe org., http://www.wto.org/eng-
lish/tratop_e/region_e/region_e.htm (last visited June 4, 2011).
4 uniteD nationS envt programme & worlD traDe org., traDe anD cli-
mate change (2010 ), http:/ /www.wto.org/englis h/res_e/booksp_e/tr ade_cli-

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