Author | Michael B. Gerrard/John C. Dernbach |
Pages | 38-38 |
Page xxxviii Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States
Michael B. Gerra rd is the Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice at
Columbia Law School, where he teaches courses on environmental and energy law,
and founded and directs the Sabin Center for Climate Cha nge Law. He is also a
member and former Chair of the Faculty of Columbia’s Earth Institute. Before
joining the Columbia faculty in Januar y 2009, Gerrard was a Partner in the law
rm of Arnold & Porter in New York City; he is now Senior Counsel to the rm.
He practiced environmental law in New York City full time from 1979 to 2008.
He was the 2004-2005 chair of the American Bar Associat ion’s Section of Environ-
ment, Energy and Resources. He has also chaired the Executive Committee of the
New York City Bar Association and the Environmental Law Section of the New
York State Bar Association.
Since 1986, Gerrard has written an environmental law column for the New York
Law Journal. He is author or editor of 13 books, two of which were named Best Law Book of the Year by the Association
of American Publishers: Environmental Law Practice Guide (12 volumes, 1992) and Brownelds Law and Practice (four
volumes, 1998). Among his other books are Global Climate Change and U.S . Law (with Jody Freeman) (2d ed. 2014); Law
of Clean Energy (2011); and Climate Engineering and the Law: Regulation and Liability for Solar Radiation Management
and Carbon Dioxide Removal (with Tracy Hester 2018). He received his B.A. from Columbia University and his J.D. from
New York University Law School.
John C. Dernbach is the Commonwealth Professor of Environmental L aw and
Sustainability at Widener University Commonwealth Law School in Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, and Director of its Environmental Law and Sustainability Center.
Professor Dernbach has written on sustainable development, climate change, and
other topics in more than 50 articles for law reviews a nd peer-reviewed journals, and
has authored, coauthored, or contributed chapters to more than 20 books. He is the
editor (with James R. May) of Shale Gas and the Future of Energ y: Law and Policy
for Sustainability (Edwa rd Elgar 2016), the principal author of Acting as if Tomorrow
Matters: Accelerating the Transition to Sustainability (ELI Press 2012), and the editor
of Agenda for a Sustainable America (ELI Press 20 09) and Stumbling Toward Sustain-
ability (ELI Press 2002).
Professor Dernbach coauthored a successful am icus brief to the U.S. Supreme
Court on behalf of 18 prominent climate scientists in Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency. His scholarship
and advocacy helped persuade the Pennsylvan ia Supreme Court in landmark decisions in 2013 and 2017 to reinvigorate
the Environmental Rights A mendment to the state constitution. He was a member of the National Research Council
Committee that, in Sustainability and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2011), made recommendations on how
to institutionalize sustainability at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Before taking h is teaching position at
Widener Commonwealth, Professor Dernbach worked in a variety of positions at the Pennsylvania Department of Envi-
ronmental Protection, and served most recently as the agency’s Policy Director. He is also the coauthor of a widely used
and inuential legal w riting text, rst published in 1981, that is now in a sixth edition and considered a classic in the eld.
He is a graduate of University of Michigan Law School and University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
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