
The editors of Volume 1 founded The Yale Law Journal during what they described as a period of "remarkable transformation" and "inexorable change" for both the Yale Law School and the legal profession. (1) One hundred and fourteen years later, the Journal continues to evolve along with the academy and the profession. While full-length scholarly works remain at the center of legal debate, students, professors, and practicing lawyers are increasingly turning to the Internet to read about, and comment on, developments in the law. With this trend in mind, the editors of Volume 115 have launched The Pocket Part (http://www.thepocketpart.org), an online companion to the Journal. With The Pocket Part, the Journal hopes to combine the strengths of both print and online media, broadening the readership of traditional legal scholarship while enriching the dialogue among the academy, bench, and bar.

Legal publications often contain "pocket part" supplements with up-to-date information and commentary. The...

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