
AuthorInsulza, Jose Miguel

The promotion of integral development and prosperity is one of the fundamental pillars underpinning and inspiring the work of the Organization of American States in the hemisphere. In the Inter-American Democratic Charter, the member states affirm that democracy and economic and social development are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Further they point out that poverty and low levels of human development and well-being hamper the consolidation of democracy. The member states have therefore committed themselves to the adoption and implementation of all necessary actions to generate productive employment and eradicate extreme poverty, and to the promotion and observance of economic, social, and cultural rights, which are inherently linked to integral development.


And so in this issue we are featuring some of the experiences representative of the work being carried out in two important spheres of the institution's activities. On the one hand, the OAS is a unique forum for building political consensus--one in which the states set priorities and direct the Organization's efforts. In this connection, the upcoming ministerial and high-level meetings on such issues as tourism, competitiveness, labor, and science and technology are vital to ensuring that the hemispheric agenda meets the needs of all people and remains relevant over time.

On the other hand, it is a forum for developing cooperation mechanisms to help countries learn from one another's successful experiences whose impact has been demonstrable. In the framework of partnership for development, the states recognize that they have much to learn from and to offer their peers in order...

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