AuthorDacy, Julia

The Federal Communications Law Journal is proud to present the second Issue of Volume 75. We are the nation's premiere communications law journal and the official journal of FCBA: The Tech Bar hosted at The George Washington University Law School. We are excited to feature a practitioner Article and four student Notes which provide analysis and insight into a range of policy questions facing the telecommunications field today.

This Issue begins with an Article written by Kal Raustiala, a Promise Institute Distinguished Professor of Comparative and International Law and the Director of the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations. Raustiala explains why the Obama administration chose to relinquish formal federal government control over the naming and numbering system of the Internet, surrendering this authority to the non-profit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN"). Raustiala goes on to detail the implications for multistakeholder governance throughout international law.

The first student Note, written by John Bogert, takes a market approach to stopping misinformation. Bogert proposes a statutory cap for social media market mergers under the Clayton Antitrust Act and argues against current proposals for reforming Section 230. In the second Note, author Julia Wells provides an overview of telehealth services--an industry that became increasingly important during the pandemic. Wells argues both that the FCC should be given broader authority to regulate these services and that HIPAA should be reformed to increase flexibility and prevent data breaches.

The third Note, authored by Nicolas Florio, explains how current bankruptcy law can provide a...

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