Editor's note.

AuthorLawson, Jeffrey A.

Welcome to the sixty-second Volume of the Federal Communications Law Journal, the nation's premier communications law journal and the official journal of the Federal Communications Bar Association. The staff is excited about the quality of the articles and notes included in this Issue. We hope that our readers find these works interesting, important, and timely.

Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker begins this Issue by calling for a "new spectrum" that will foster greater access to broadband service. Citing the rapidly increasing use of mobile broadband devices, Commissioner Baker argues for significant action on spectrum policy that encourages competitive growth and innovation in the mobile broadband market. She concludes with a discussion of the hot-button network neutrality debate and the FCC's role in securing a vibrant broadband marketplace.

The network neutrality theme continues in our second Article, authored by Daniel Brenner. Brenner discusses the challenge of developing effective rules that govern complex, evolving networks. Jasper P. Sluijs then gives a comparative review of network neutrality policy in the United States and the European Union. Sluijs argues that network-management policy in the United States should incorporate European regulatory principles by creating a flexible policy mechanism that allows for balancing costly type-one and type-two errors.

Our third Article shifts away from the network neutrality debate. Steve Parsons and James Bixby discuss the history of universal-service regulation and analyze four recent regulatory developments that impact the distribution of the Universal Service Fund.


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