Editor s Note

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Welcome to the new Sustainable Development Law & Policy (SDLP), formerly known as International and Comparative Environmental Law (ICEL). Increasingly, the world's leading policymakers, scientists, activists, and academics are working to address environmental problems through the lens of sustainable development. After many years of analyzing and fighting environmental problems in a near vacuum, it is now widely accepted that any successful effort to mitigate growing environmental degradation must focus on reconciling the tension between environmental health and economic sustainability. Implementing more sustainable economic models will ensure continuous environmental, social and economic health for generations to come.

This summer, the world will gather in Johannesburg for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) to help move down the path of creating a healthier, more sustainable world. As environmental imbalance increasingly causes economic, social and political dislocation throughout the world, it is imperative that we begin addressing root causes instead of mere symptoms.

Our mission is to provide timely information and analysis of important issues relating to sustainable development law and policy. We hope to serve as a valuable resource for practitioners, policymakers, and others involved in or interested in sustainable development throughout the world. We appreciate your subscription and welcome your feedback.

Dave Newman

Editor-In-Chief Durwood Zaelke, adjunct professor at WCL, president of the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) and Director of the Secretariat of the International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE), is involved in two side events at the United Nations' World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) this August in Johannesburg, South Africa. Ana Maria Kleymeyer, '02, and Roxanne Sher-Skelton, 3L, are working with him to carry out these events.

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