Editor's Corner: Elisha “Malcolm” Abel II— November 14, 1948–December 13, 2009

Published date01 June 2010
AuthorDaniel R. Cahoy
Date01 June 2010
Editor’s Corner: Elisha ‘‘Malcolm’’ Abel IIF
November 14, 1948–December 13, 2009
Soon after hearing about the death of Gaylord Jentz, our Academy was
struck by the shocking news that our colleague and friend, Professor Elisha
‘‘Malcolm’’ Abel II, had also passed away. The loss of another member of
the American Business Law Journal (ABLJ) family was particularly heart-
rending for those of us on the board. We worked closely with Malcolm over
the years as a trusted reviewer and relied heavily on his judgment and
expertise. We know how much he meant to the Academy, and we invite
you to join us in reflecting on Malcolm’s career and accomplishments.
Malcolm served Western Carolina University as an associate profes-
sor of business law and was a permanent member of the faculty since 1999.
He was a beloved teacher and respected researcher. Malcolm taught sev-
eral business law classes at Western Carolina that formed an essential
foundation of the academic experiences of both undergraduate and grad-
uate students. He was a prolific author, and his publications covered an
extraordinarily wide range of subjects, including intellectual property
rights, such as patents and trademarks, and employment law protections
for Americans with disabilities.
As a reviewer for ABLJ, Malcolm never hesitated to provide his
perspective on another’s academic work in an honest, yet collegial manner.
He had high standards for scholarship, but he never forgot that the writing
process should be an opportunity for growth and improvement rather
than admonition. Malcolm’s input significantly improved the work of
others. Although his generous contributions will remain anonymous, his
dedication and munificence made ABLJ a better journal.
In addition to serving as a reviewer for ABLJ, Malcolm was a staff
editor for the Journal of Legal Studies in Business and a reviewer for the

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