Ed Gohr.


Ranked at #23 on the Alaska Business Top 49ers list for 2021, with the fourth-highest gross revenue of any non-Native corporation (after Lynden, Three Bears Alaska, and Chugach Electric Association), Delta Constructors makes a big impact without leaving a big impression. CEO Ed Gohr started the company in 2007, and by 2013 it was working on high-dollar, behind-the-scenes projects in Alaska and North Dakota oil fields. That portfolio propelled Delta into the Hundred Million Dollar club, the youngest Alaskan-owned company with that status.

Not bad for a contractor almost unknown outside of the industry. "Kinda go under the radar," Gohr acknowledges.

Gohr grew up in Palmer and got into above-ground oil field construction as his first job out of college. He spun his equipment leasing company into a contracting firm with approximately 600 employees on the payroll, 200 of them in Alaska. "The most important thing is good people around you, working with good people," he says.

His other keys to success are perseverance and good decisions: "I believe in my spot I'm supposed to make about five big decisions a year."

Alaska Business: What do you do in your free time? Ed Gohr: I (ike to hunt and fish and snowmachine.

AB: Other than your current career, if you were a kid today, what would your dream job be?

Gohr: Hunting guide.

AB: What is your favorite way to exercise? Gohr: Outdoor activities. Snowmachine, skiing.

AB: What's the most...

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