Economists weigh impact of natural gas: industry-related jobs pegged at 137,000 in Colorado.

AuthorLewis, David

Most folks awareness of the role natural gas is playing in the Colorado economy and ecology is rather like natural gas, odorless and invisible.

But some people would really like to learn a lot about the part natural gas plays in the state. For instance, the National Science Foundation last autumn awarded a $12 million grant to a research 'cam led by CU-Boulder "to explore ways to maximize the benefits of natural gas development while minimizing negative impacts on ecosystems and communities."

The far-reaching project should wind its conclusions its in 2017.

Meantime, others also have explored die role of natural. gas here. A recent national economic impact is responsible for 2.8 million American jobs. Most of the sharp upswing in jobs, however, has occurred in states such as Louisiana and Pennsylvania; in particular, the latter's Marcellus Shale boom has lifted an entire region out of stagnation.

In Colorado, the natural gas industry directly or indirectly employs more than 137,000. or roughly 6 percent of total employment. according to a 2009 IHS Global Insight study cited by the Colorado Oil and Gas Association. Natural gas has an annual "value-added economic output" worth $24 billion-natural gas, or 7.3 percent of the state total.

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