Economics of health insurance exchanges.


An NBER Conference on "Economics on Health Insurance Exchanges" took place in Cambridge on December 5, 2014. NBER Research Associates Leemore Dafny of Northwestern University and Jonathan Gruber of MIT organized the program. These papers were discussed:

* Natalie Cox, University of California, Berkeley; Benjamin Handel, University of California, Berkeley and NBER; Jonathan Kolstad, University of Pennsylvania and NBER; and Neale Mahoney, University of Chicago and NBER, "Messaging and the Mandate: The Impact of Advertising on Health Insurance Enrollment Through Exchanges"

* Keith Marzilli Ericson, Boston University and NBER, and Amanda Starc, University of Pennsylvania and NBER, "Measuring Consumer Valuation of Limited Provider Networks"

* Jonathan Gruber, and Robin McKnight, Wellesley College and NBER, "Controlling Health Care Costs through Limited Network Insurance Plans: Evidence from...

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