Easing transition into school.

Leaving youngsters in the hands of a teacher for the first time can be a traumatic experience for both parents and children. Here are some tips from Ann Kolakowski and Elaine Morgan Levit, early childhood education teachers at Buckingham Browne and Nichols School, Cambridge, Mass., that will help kids adjust to the first year of school:

Get to know your child's school. Attend parent orientation days before or during the first few weeks. Speak with teachers and administrators Learn about the school's teaching strategies, mission, and philosophy. Talk to your offspring about the school. Your confidence and enthusiasm will have a positive impact on him or her.

Rise and shine! Get the year off to a good start by allowing extra preparation time in the morning. Too often, morning rituals mean rummagging madly through clothes closets, burning toast, and dashing out doors. Rise early enough that the family can get ready for the day calmly and eat a good breakfast. Spend extra time at home together during the beginning of the school year and talk about the school day. This will make your child fell more secure.

Encourage classroom belonging. Help your child understand that school is a place for learning, adventure, and friendships. Encourage him or her to think,

"This is my special school and classroom; these are my teachers and friends." On the first day, help your youngster become acclimated to the classroom. Identify your offspring's assigned desk, cubby, or floor mat together. Be sure he or she knows where the bathroom is...

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