Drones invade New York City!(Artifact) (posters that blanketed Manhattan) (Brief article)

AuthorMangu-Ward, Katherine


ON SEVTEMBER 18, 29-year-old "Essam" and a group of friends blanketed lower Manhattan with posters designed to look like official New York Police Department signage. "Drones: Protection When You Least Expect It," read the slogan below simple ideograms of families running from unmanned aerial vehicles. Essam and his team disguised themselves as employees of the outdoor advertising firm Van Wagner, which manages the advertising space on bus stations and kiosks throughout the city. All told, they swapped out about 100 ads.

"We see this trend throughout history of military technology always coming to the civilian world," the Army veteran told Animal New York. He says his goal is for the conversation about domestic police use of...

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