Draft Lottery Sparks NYC Riots

AuthorAllen Pusey
Draft Lottery Sparks NYC Riots
The Enrollment Act of 1863 came at a bad time for New York Democrats. With Abraham Lincoln
in the White House, abolitionists were gaining political strength, drawing crowds to their rallies.
Under emancipation, the introduction of free black men to the cauldron of mostly German and Irish
immigrants seemed foreboding to the Tammany Hall regime.
Support for Li ncoln’s conduct of the Civil
War was hardly unani mous in the North; by
early July, many white workers in New York
City saw conscription as a n existential threat
to a life and livelihood relat ively untouched
by the strife.
The act, which Linc oln signed in March,
required male citi zens between ages 20 and
45 to register for conscr iption, with each
congressional distr ict assigned a recruitment
quota. The enlistment term s were left to
individual state s, and some oered generous
bounties to attrac t recruits.
In New York, a lottery was to determ ine conscription,
but it had several unpopular exemptions: black men,
whose citizenship was st ill a matter of national debate,
and wealthy whites, who for $300 could purc hase an
exemption or hire a substitute draf tee.
On Saturday, July 11, the lottery began smoot hly at 677
Third Ave. in the 9th Congressiona l District. But by the
time it resumed on Monday morning, July 13, white work-
ers from several rai lroads and foundries had marched in
unison to the site, recr uiting others along the way.
Anticipating trouble, ocials delayed t he lottery until
police arrived. But the t wo dozen ocers who responded
were overmatched by the jeering mob. Shortly a fter the
first names were pulled, je ers morphed into rocks and
bricks. And as t he mob moved in, ocials aba ndoned
the oce to rioters. Soon f urniture was destroyed, book s
and records strew n across the street, and the building
—occupied by terrified fa milies on the upper floors—set
Seemingly crazed by t he fire, the mob moved through
the city, swelling in number and indiscr iminate wrath.
When the police superintendent showed up, the horde
beat him and destroyed hi s carriage. They set
fire to the Bull’s Head Hotel, where the Union
League was k nown to meet. The Marston & Co.
armory was be sieged and reduced to rubble.
Two more enrollment oces were looted and
burned. The home of the postmaster w as
torched along with a nearby police pre cinct.
Because the Battle of G ettysburg earlier in
the month had sapped troop strengt h from
the region, help from federal forces wa s slow
to arrive. For four days, the r ioters tumbled
through the city unre strained before sucient
troops could be mustered to re store the calm.
Roving gangs of Irish C atholics targeted Protesta nt
churches and charities . For black residents, it was wors e.
Eleven black men were murdered for no apparent reason;
countless others were beaten a nd maimed. Black families’
homes were destroyed. Even the Orphan A sylum for
Colored Children on Fift h Avenue was torched, though
its 230-plus residents manage d to escape.
The mobs turned on newspapers perceived a s
Republican. A t the New York Times, rioters were
turned away by Gatling gu ns manned by Times sta.
At abolitionist Horace Greeley’s New-York Tribune,
they listened to bullet ins on the progress of their riot
before attacki ng. Telegraph poles were toppled, train
tracks up ended, businesses g utted and burned.
Confronted by 6,000 troops a nd a Tammany Hall
promise to pay the exemption fees of its loyalist s, calm
finally set in on Friday. Ocial s set the death toll at
119, with police and firefighter s among the victims.
Property dam age ran into the millions, and 20 percent
of the city’s black population, fear ful of further violence,
fled. Of the thousands who riot ed, only 67 were convicted
of any crime .
July 13, 1863
Precedents || By Allen Pusey

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