Don't Play with Foot Pain.

Many adults, adolescent, and children are playing sports with seemingly normal, but persistent, foot pain that could be a sign of a more serious injury, according to experts from the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. "Playing with pain often is viewed as a badge of honor among athletes, but they must be aware that the persistent pain they dismiss as normal exercise-related stress could be something far more serious," warns Richard Bouche, director of the Sports Medicine Clinic at The Virginia Mason Sports Medicine Center, Seattle, Wash.

He says athletes of all ages visit his clinic with foot pain due to overuse injuries from repetitive loading of the foot and ankle during running and aerobics. "When athletes over-do their workouts, it may be normal to experience some temporary discomfort. But if pain continues longer than a few days with continued redness, warmth, or swelling, the athlete should see a podiatric foot and ankle surgeon for proper diagnosis and advice on treatment options," he cautions.

Athletes who ignore presistent foot pain and inflammation and continue to train risk potential complications that could sideline them for months. Among possible injuries associated with persistent foot and ankle pain are stress fractures, muscle strains, tendonitis, and subtle fractures after inversion ankle sprains.

"Stress fractures sometimes aren't debilitating, and some athletes might continue their normal training despite the injury," Bouche points out. "But continual rigorous activity can worsen the problem. An examination and diagnosis by a foot specialist can determine whether the pain is from overuse or subtle trauma, requiring only a few days of rest, or something that may require surgical intervention."

Heel pain in children often is caused by injuries to the growth plate and secondary growth centers in which tendons pull at the top and bottom of the growth plate of the heel. Boys and girls ages eight to 14 are susceptible to this condition, and its major symptom is pain on either side of the heel. "Growth-plate trauma is common in soccer and other sports...

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