Don't let allergies spoil your fun.

From coast to coast, people of all ages enjoy gardening. For the 40,000.000 allergy sufferers, though, it can cause miserable symptoms to crop up. Constant exposure to airborne pollens can turn a relaxing outdoor hobby into a sneeze-filled experience.

Whether it is tending to a backyard garden or simply mowing the lawn, allergy sufferers can avoid and eliminate troublesome pollen-producing plants to reduce a sky-high pollen count in their living area. In addition, medications are available to relieve the sneezing and itchy, watery eyes without inducing drowsiness and compromising performance.

Knowing how to limit exposure to problem pollens can make gardening, yard work, and other outdoor activities more bearable. Marion Merrell Dow Inc. recommends keeping these tips in mind to combat unnecessary "pollen pollution" in your backyard:

* Avoid gardening in the early morning hours, as pollen counts are highest before 10:00 a.m. They also tend to rise as the sun sets.

* Wear a mask to filter airborne allergens when working in the garden, mowing the lawn, or raking.

* Choose trees...

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