Don't just float--go for a drive!(WHAT'S NEW?)

When we really want to take it easy, we can't think of a more relaxing way to spend an afternoon than floating in a comfortable lounger in our backyard pool. There is something so indescribably peaceful about drifting aimlessly, layered somewhere between the cool of the water and the warmth of the sun. The only thing that seems to interrupt our bliss is trying to get from one end of the pool to the other. Whether we're avoiding splashing children or evading fellow swimmers coming down the ladder, we acknowledge how awkward it is to paddle furiously while gaining little distance or try to drag along the side all the while scraping the walls of the pool.

The Motorized Pool Lounger from Excalibur Electronics, Inc., Miami, Fla., has taken floating to the next level. With a separate motor and propeller on...

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