Don't let yourself go: steps for career self-care.

AuthorBartlett, Mellanie

While we all have good intentions when it comes to being our best and maintaining upkeep, sometimes even our best efforts fall by the wayside during busy times. Take, for instance, the house you just bought--when you first move in, you notice all the little things that need to be fixed. There's the crack in the ceiling that needs to be patched or the worn carpet that should be replaced. But after awhile, you decide the crack is no big deal, and you just never find time to pick out new carpeting and have it installed. While these little things may not bother you, probably everyone who visits notices those flaws! When you think about it, the same concept applies to our own careers. We become so bogged down in the day-to-day activities of serving our attorneys that we run the risk of falling into a trap, letting our full potential erode away a little at a time.

Here's the major obstacle: legal marketers are busy. We are consumed by the grind and our attention is often completely focused on the multiple projects-at-hand. Inordinate amounts of time are spent carefully evaluating and crafting the careers of the attorneys we service, so much so that we might feel completely depleted when it comes to our own career self-care. Well, the time is now to turn a little of the attention we give others our direction. Don't despair: You don't have to look at any carpet samples! You have the tools and you know exactly what to do; it's just a matter of keeping your career top-of-mind and being proactive about keeping it guest-ready.

* Your Personal Collateral

Do you have the basics under control? This includes a headshot and biography ready to send at a moment's notice. If not, then update yours with your latest accomplishments, degrees, board positions or volunteer activities. Even though you might not be looking for a job, you never know when a good opportunity will present itself. Also consider a new and current headshot. My professional photo was 10 years and two-kids old--and hardly looked like me at all! I just recently sat for an older and wiser version, and am ready to go should the need for a photo arise.

* Build Your Coin

Hopefully your latest accomplishment did not go unnoticed (and your mother does not count!). Get the word out both internally and externally. If you have a firm newsletter, submit your news for publication. But don't stop there. The MBA you just earned or the leadership program you recently completed greatly enhance your value to...

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